Zechariah 10:4 declares "Out of Judah ... came forth the Cornerstone; the tent peg from him, as well as the battle bow and every ruler together." The Chief Cornerstone, a critical component in the building crafted by the Architect, is none other that the Messiah, Yahshua, Jesus. [1 Peter 2:6] When the cornerstone is positioned, the foundation is laid. Scripture instructs that the foundation established upon the Cornerstone is that of the five-fold functions of apostle, prophet, evangel, shepherd and teacher. [Ephesians 2:20] From this foundation arises a structure, or a building, made of living stones: "[you] like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:5
In construction vernacular, a building must be built according to code - the regulations that will ensure a building will be able to sustain the elements of nature, and house the multiple rooms with strength of service. A building inspector is looking for structural stability. When the foundation is square, level and secure, the pillars, also known as the framework, are able to be raised as the internal 'bones' of the structure. These bones are then outfitted with the necessary components that will serve the internal activity of the home. From wiring to plumbing, insulation to drywall, the framework/pillars hold the entire structure together vertically, in order to serve horizontally.
In The Architect of Oikos & The Blueprints of Kingdom Culture, I write extensively on the cultural importance of the framework needful to govern a people, a nation. The content in this work identifies and highlights the structural components, so that the student can go through their 'house' and inspect to see if the building is 'up to code.'

Rebecca D Bennett functions within the Kingdom with apostolic and prophetic import, expertly laying foundation truths that allow a Kingdom citizen to square up their foundational components so they align with the Word of God. I received the honor of having Rebecca write the foreword to The Architect - and I desire to introduce you to the expanse of her work, found within The Destiny Series.
The depth, width, breadth, and height of Jesus' ability to secure one's life to the precepts and concepts of the Creator-King are found within Rebecca's writing. Every student I've encountered who has taken the time to delve into the material with purposed intention has developed their leadership capacity in measurable quality.

As you continue your journey in this Kingdom life, consider embracing the construction that occurs by choosing to build with quality material. Dive into the Word with The Destiny Series. Begin with Identity, then Purpose, Authority and Legacy, respectively. A wise steward will be the end result. Thank you, Rebecca, for the quality materials you've deposited into my life. I am grateful.

Rebecca's Training can also be found online through the KLIGulfCoast portal. Access The Destiny Series Identity here. Purpose here. Authority here.