We are created in His image.
The creativity of mankind has been expressed through the ages in a myriad of ways. Every new invention or product released is a mere reflection of the innovative power inherent within humanity. In other words, the ability to cultivate a new idea does not originate with ourselves; it is a byproduct of having been made in His image.
Perhaps the range of motion produced by the intellect has no greater expression than that of the ability to self-govern, under the tutelage of the constitution that drives the Kingdom of God. Historically, self-government has fallen into two camps:
The camp wherein humanism reflects a life apart from the humility that anchors life to a Supreme Being, worthy of reverence; and
The camp wherein a life, yielded to the knowledge of a Supreme Being, looks to that Being as Source, and so receives a wisdom on how to conduct oneself in this life.
From the beginning, the Creator-King desired to share His governing capacity. From the beginning, the Creator-King placed a requirement of self-government upon mankind - to be demonstrated by honoring instructions given - so that a holy partnership would drive the expansion of creativity.
Today I share an excerpt from The Architect of Oikos, The Blueprints of Kingdom Culture, in order to establish a baseline for future conversation: When the creativity of mankind is harnessed to the government of God, the builder of the house is honored above the house itself. When the builder of the house is honored, the culture of the oikos is established. Enjoy.
His architectural plan produced blueprints, resulting in humanity being formed and fashioned from the clay of the earth, and made after His image. The first son, Adam, was given a Guardian-Protector task of all that the Creator-King owned. Humanity, in Adam, carried His likeness, His spirit nature, as a son.
Endowed with the onoma, the nature, character, and authority of God, obedience was required of Adam. The requirement centered around a governmental function, that of jurisdiction, represented by two trees: the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Should the created son honor the instruction of the Creator-King, not to eat of the tree of knowledge, the created son would mature to the position of inheritor of all. Faltering between the directive concerning the two trees, the first son quickly discovered the consequence of treason. He failed to legislate according to the decree he had been given: he surrendered the capacity to govern. Adam relinquished jurisdictional powers to a faithless foe.
When Jesus arose as the second Adam, a son willing to obey the directives of dominion, He demonstrated how the invisible kingdom is to rule, dominate and influence the seen realm.
-The Architect of Oikos, The Blueprints of Kingdom Culture, Chapter 2, The Creator-King

Get to know the Creator-King and His handiwork. Coming Soon as the second installment of
the Doors, Gates & Threshold Series, The Architect of Oikos & The Blueprints of Kingdom Culture: Repairing the Breach in the House of God in the Era of Reformation
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