If you're reading this you may be new to our site, and even more importantly, new to the sound that proceeds out of both my mother and I.
Welcome! The mark on which the Father may use us as vessels of honor marked upon you is something we do not take lightly, as upholding the testimony of Jesus that has been distributed unto each of us we handle with much honor and care unto the One who is worthy! Your unique design, the Father sees and knows intimately.
The desire of my heart is for you to become aware of His presence in such a way that, in His presence you rediscover who you are as you willing step into the mysteries of who He is. A true depiction, built upon the beauty of relationship.
He has much for you as you learn to submit and grow in this walk of sanctification. As He has had for even me. I myself, have had to submit to such, bringing me some of my deepest sorrow and my greatest Joy as I learn to trust the Father and His unique demonstration of Himself in and through me.
For this very reason I write unto you these words out of 1 Thessalonians 2:2-4:
"…….emboldened by faith in our God to fearlessly preach his wonderful gospel to you in spite of incredible opposition. Our coming alongside you to encourage you was not out of some delusion, or impure motive, or an intention to mislead you, but we have been approved by God to be those who preach the gospel. So our motivation to preach is not pleasing people but pleasing God, who thoroughly examines our hearts."
Come and journey with us as the Lord cultivates Himself in us and brings about His Glory in His people. My words are not always eloquent but full of the heart of the Father and the heart of the Father is what each of us need to sustain us, to equip us, to embolden us for our days ahead as we step into more of His glory.
Blessings ~