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Of Titles & Book Descriptions...

Every great cover deserves closer inspection - and avid readers quickly scour cover jacket inserts and back cover blurbs for more details. There is no exception here! After sharing the exciting cover reveal, what could be better than a virtual back cover reveal?!

Crafting back cover content is a field of expertise intended to garner an immediate "I must read it!" response from bibliophiles. It would be no surprise to discover, then, that the back blurb for The Architect was honed and revised. Yet, this book is for a caliber of people who are less enamored with a book for a book's sake. No, this book is for Kingdom citizens who have the nature of a disciple - a learner and follower of Christ.

I pause, and ask myself: why am I trying to describe the description? [cue hearty laughter]

Read for yourself, and share your thoughts!


The Kingdom of God is an estate of structured purpose. Where the estate has fallen into disrepair by a generation of lackluster stewardship, a people, fashioned by the Architect to bring reformation, must arise and begin to rebuild. Yet, where to begin? A visit to the blueprint is in order, that the plans of the Architect might be implemented according to Original Design.

Meet the Architect of Oikos: the Creator-King who fashioned seven pillars of wisdom to sustain Kingdom culture: Marriage, Family, Maturing Sons & Daughters, Stewardship, Kingdom Economy & Creative Commerce, Authority, and Worship.

Against the backdrop of Matthew 19, Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler provides an examination point of current cultural practices. The text exposes the pillars of Kingdom culture in such a way that the reader is able to inspect their arena of influence for structural breach. Will you embrace cultural stability to promote growth and maturity? Will you be counted as a reformer? The Architect of Oikos & the Blueprints of Kingdom Culture is the second installment of the Doors Gates & Thresholds Series. Focus on the Kingdom architecture allows a renewed confidence in the King, and produces a fresh appreciation toward the righteous structure of the unseen realm. Become equipped to successfully incorporate the structural pillars of the Kingdom of God, to impact your generations.

Begin now, in the era of reformation.


I welcome your thoughts! Are you excited to dive in? In the event that you'd like to be a member of my Advanced Reader Team, register here!



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