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The Oikos Tree

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

The most fundamental structure in the universe is that of a household. As a nucleus, governing a dynamic body, a household can and does include all those belonging to one family group. Biblically, a household is understood as a large organization of sons and personnel, acting on the government of a central abba - or, house father. The Greek term for 'household' is oikos, aptly defining the parent unit - the family of origination.

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Ephesians 2:19

Paul penned that the 'household of God' was not merely flesh and blood, rather its members were birthed of an incorruptible spiritual seed, the Word, and fashioned in likeness of their Father, who is Spirit. These were birthed into a family tree of supernatural origin. As such, two family trees reflect a persons heritage: the natural, and the spiritual.

Trees dot the Scriptural landscape throughout both the old and new testaments. Metaphors of men, marking stature, leadership, influence, fruitfulness- or a lack thereof, present identifiable characteristics of the seed stock. A tree of incorruptible seed stock will produce good fruit; likewise, should the seed stock be of corruptible origin, the tree is bad, only to bear rotten fruit, deserving to be cut down and burned. The fruit bears evidence of source.

The Oikos Tree is the Family Tree of the Household of God. Born from above, the members in particular reflect the nature, character, and authority - the onoma - of their Father.

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3

During a recent training, I brought forward The Oikos Tree. I invite you to discover alongside me, as I identify the men as trees metaphor in the Bible, and reveal the cultural impact of the household of faith in the Kingdom today.

Additional supplemental classes will be held LIVE inside the Silver Study Room on Facebook, and you are cordially invited to attend. Simply follow this link and request access.

For those not on Facebook or social media, access to the various training series will be accessible as video replay by free subscription. Simply enter your email below, and the class content will be delivered to your inbox, to watch at your convenience.

Welcome to the family!



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